A fat dude callin' out all the sandbaggers in the KC racing scene from his mom's basement.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Hey Margretta!! We've been sitting here since OCTOBER! My nuts have frozen to the top tube (56cm btw) and I think Songer just LAPPED ME AGAIN. Can we please start the race already!?!?
Ha ha ha... Songer got called out. Ya, ya that's right Songer, you f*in sandbagger, your obviously wayyy to fast to be racing SS, and the only reason you do it is to prove your stronger than that Steinmetz kid who so honorably rode you to exhuastion every race. He WILL defeat you next year. I vote to opt a whole post to our friend SONGER! Seriously though, you can't really call a 50 year old ancient racer who still manages to race as strong as he does. It wont be long... He'll be in a nursing home watching the rest of us from his 27 inch TV.
Steinmetz calls to baggers on his blog, after one of the million or so St. Marys races we had last season (I think).
He also is a SS horse, who has been known to race geared classes on the same bike. I think I saw him with gears in geared races once or twice, but either way, he's clearly anti-bag.
Most all baggers can't take him, either, so continue to suck it, baggers.
Songer already spent years in the open race trenches holding his own against kids 1/2 his age. He has nothing to prove to anybody. Especially people that don't even race. R5 is a reference to a miltary assault rifle. Any former military person would know that!
Actually r5 was a Cold War era Soviet ballistic missle that was retired in 1967 (Good Year) and r5 is going ballistic on you bitches. Yahhhhh Boyeeeeee Flavor Flav in the hizzouse!!
R5 is a character from a deleted chapter from the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In that chapter, which Mark Twain ripped out just before publication, R5 was a shadowy character who hated the idea that Jim might escape and be freed. But then he realized he could make some money off the deal and everybody knows that you can't hate someone whom you can take advantage of.
So he bankrolled Huck's effort to free Jim upfront in exchange for a Madoff-esque return of 12 percent on his investment over the term of one year. But in the end, Twain just decided that including this R5 character would just muddy up what was an already confusing ending with Jim's recapture. Balancing the ledger was never one of Twain's skills.
Songer is a stud no matter what, and anyone who thinks this site is calling out some people but not simultanously lauding them probably believes pro wrestling is real, too.
I have a good suspicion who r5 is, and I think a lot of you would agree with me.
The rich old dudes who sat on their hands the other night don't hate those they take advantage of, either.
But they do hate anyone who suggests the poor get edumacated. They might learn something and realize those rich old dudes are screwing them over, again and again and again.
Speaking of Stud. What about me? I won something like 12 races this past season but it more-or-less went under the radar. Songer beat me by 2 minutes at the last Boss Cross race so he gets 100% respect from me.
Mark Studnicki......the name says it all really. You can't be called out. A fundamental law of Nay....ture. You caynt hate 'em for it cuz it's in his Nay....ture.
Songer podiums 98% of the time, even at races like Jingle Cross. http://www.crossresults.com/?n=racers&sn=r&rID=21520
I'm not saying he's a bagger, but I see why people don't call out Studnicki. Studnicki takes his share of bruises in the open races, while Songer wins all the beer in the ss division.
R5, you need to establish some rules, its hard to tell the difference between someone who is fast, and someone who is sandbagging.
FYI on the points required to upgrade. When I CTFU years ago, of the 25 points I accumilated, only 10 of those were from races in Kansas. You see, KSCycling has/had different requirements for upgrading regarding field sizes, than what USACycling has, and CrossResults.com is completely different than both of them. I was traveling to Nebraska and Iowa races to get the bigger fields and bigger upgrade points. Back then, it was not possible to only race locally and get enough points over any 12-month rolling period to upgrade. Fields this year locally were better so that might be different now.
Don't think for a minute that the single speed class is an easy alternative to Open. I've never done a single-speed race. i'm scared to put my body and my 40year old knees through that. I need all 9gears I got. the Single Speed racers goes off with the open guys so they're effectively racing the same guys, only scored separate. I choose to race open occational becauses its the only other race I can do and I don't have a bike setup for single speed anyway. I have full respect for anybody that does jump in open race occationly but I don't have any less respect for those that don't. It's a brutal beatdown. Some of us have to work come monday morning.
I have to say, this has all been very entertaining, but I have to ask, r5, when are you going to move from cx sandbaggers to road sandbaggers..there are only so many dudes you can "pick" on in the local cross scene? Not to mention, you haven't dipped into the women or juniors pool yet.
There is no sand bagging in the masters races, it is open to all category racers, the only requirement is age. If people don't like getting routinely beat, they need to train harder. For those single speed guys complaining, I would be embarrassed that a 47 year old was kicking your ass and by the way, it was always his second race of the day. Instead of complaining, maybe you should be out riding your bikes and trying to get faster you bunch of whining babies.
And sad, Studnicki, but it continues: You need to sometimes STILL get to Iowa (not just Jinglecross) and Nebraska to get fields big enough for points. How many were in the open field at Epic? Uh, are we a hotbed, or are we DEVO?
(sandbaggerkc can easily extrapolate to road and 'mountain' I believe)
"Instead of complaining, maybe you should be out riding your bikes and trying to get faster you bunch of whining babies."
But I REALLY REALLY REALLY like to complain and bitch and moan and make fun of the whole sordid lot of you. Well I like to drink beer too but that's whole 'nother story. What better place to do it than here? If you can't beat them then complain about them is what I always say. Frankly, I would be embarrassed about having to come on here and defend someone's honor when this blog is so freaking over the top tongue in cheek that it truly boggles the mind. I think making fun of others shortcomings makes me feel better about myself, which surely says something about me.
(sandbaggerkc can easily extrapolate to road and 'mountain' I believe)
r5: are we extrapolating or interpolating?
Interpolation is the process of obtaining a value from a graph or table that is located between major points given, or between data points plotted. A ratio process is usually used to obtain the value.
Extrapolation is the process of obtaining a value from a chart or graph that extends beyond the given data. The "trend" of the data is extended past the last point given and an estimate made of the value.
Straight from the Kansas upgrade Coordinator Jeff "good god, it's the bishop!" Bishop, "Nobody loves a sandbagger, so please make your requests so I don’t have to hunt you down via USAC results!" Get on board bitches, do make him hunt you down like the gravy sucking pigs you are!!!!
Is nobody sacred here? Jeez Louise you guys....next thing you know you're gonna start calling out whole teams. Take a chill pill! Folks from other cities HAVE to be laughing.....AT US not WITH US!!! This makes KC look as bad as St. Louis CX......we DON'T wanna go there.
Who gives two shits and a fuck less what other cities think? Maybe they should be laughing at us. Look at how people are reacting to this blog. Some of the folks on here deserve all the contempt that can be thrown their way.
I was there. destroyed both bikes and all the clothes I had doing one race so I could do the 2nd race. I stand behind that. Do you stand behind what you say or hide behind it? where were you?
I'm missing the hot momma drama of Real Housewives of New O.C. to read this and it has not disappointed. I'm not even sure what 'trending' is, but I bet it's happening with 'sandbagger' somewhere.
i think studnicki is just wondering y songer was called out and not a few other guys who r just as fast as him....how is he trying to draw attention to himself anymore than the guy who started this blog. or any of u pussyies who are unwilling to attach your names to your bitter and jealous words.. mark , steve, and myself wont laugh at u if we know your names.....at least mark or steve wont. a lot of anonymous punks on this site talking like a little kid. u know that little kid who doesnt want to share his ball, so he grabs it and takes it home so noone can play with it........bunch of punks!
whats up with the gay little nicknames?? why cant u little bitches attach your names to your comments????? do u guys all race in the 'junior' class?? u guys remind me of the guy in the bar who picks a fight and waits for the bouncer to come between him and the guy who is gonna deck him...and then starts to act all tough as the bouncers hold both guys back..."no man, hold me back....its a good thing u guys got here or i was gonna do something i might regret".....yeah, like what....shit your pants and act like a little bitch???
Mr. Studnicki is just an attention-seeker, much like yourself. Haven't you been discredited enough? You sent your wife out to a blog to do your bidding, to defend what's left of your honor. Frankly, I'm not sure why you're still showing your face around here, let alone anywhere else.
It's awfully rich for anyone whose wife does their dirty work for them to be calling anyone a pussy.
hey godfather.....do u even race.....is it the back of the pack that has got u down?? why so bitter. i dont need anyone to defend me.....i havent done anything that needs defending, especially from u. now giving the facts...thats what i have done...yet u want to complain about me sandbagging 3 months after i moved up.....u dont race do u...if u do, you probably are just tired of getting lapped by so many guys and r lashing out....its ok....if u would put the oreos and cigarettes away, u might not feel like such a fat fuck.
Call me names if you must. Your self-esteem is surely in tatters after your wife was dispatched to damage control for you. I don't have the time to pity you, although weaker souls might.
You could use my help in defending you. Your wife is not cutting it in that capacity, and neither are you. I am willing to help out. Your sandbagging has been exposed on the pages of this fine blog, so take my sage advice. Upgrade immediately, or never show your face around these parts again. You've been branded, and the only way to overcome that obvious and inescapable tattoo is to better yourself. Don't focus on other people's cigarette or Oreo habits. My racing speaks for itself. Yours does not. Upgrade quickly.
hey Godfucker!!!can u read??? u r an ignorant lil bitch...the point is.... I 'CATTED' UP TO A 2 IN LATE SEPTEMBER...AFTER 2ND RACE OF YEAR"
should i use brail or some kind of tard language??? again, if you raced at all....well, obviously you dont compete very well...and that has nothing to do with results. U seriously need some HTFU!
still havnt grown a set of balls yet?? have u GODFUCKER? no real name yet...dont worry, your balls will drop soon enough.
Man this so good. It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.
.... And that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this. The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. And this. And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair.
Please refrain from taking my name in vain, and the Good Lord's as well. I have addressed you properly with a polite and gender-appropriate salutation. Your kindness in return would be appreciated. You can simply call me The Godfather.
Also please refrain from claiming you "catted" up. While this may be technically true, you never raced in the open race last year. You simply then raced masters. When I say upgrade, I mean start racing open races.
Until you muster up the courage to identify yourself rather than hide behind the anonymous handle, I will not address you or your inaccurate point of view any further.
Ummm...Godfather, you are not going to reply to anonymous handles, but YOU are anonymous? Give me a break. Your line of comments are stupid and so is calling yourself Godfather. No one around here racing CX commands nor deserves the name Godfather. No one racing in KC is that important. Sorry. Unless of course you are trying to equate yourself with the maffia, which is even stupider.
I do as I please and don't take marching orders from a peon like you. Reach in your pocket, try to locate your balls and then sign on here and identify yourself rather than badger me from the safety of your anonymous handle.
The Godfather: I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. You tell the angels in heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you. My name is The Godfather. I work as counsel for Mr. r5, the man you're raggin on. I hear you were once a cop so I can assume you've heard of us before. Am I correct? Anon: I heard of Osh Josh B'Gosh.
The Godfather: I'm glad. Hopefully it means we can cut out the part of the conversation where you're wondering how full of shit I am.
I am not associated in any legal fashion with r5. Your attempts at mockery and script-writing have both failed phenomenally, just like your cycling career and your parents' career in child-rearing. The way out of this deep hole for you is eBay. Sell your bicycle on there and use that money to pay your back taxes.
I raced the urban cross today and tore up the coaster brake class, but I am not r5. I wish I was but I'm not. I was the only one with the stones to race the coaster brake class yesterday!
We can deduce that 1) sand is apparently high in testosterone 2) should not be adhered as a patch to the scrotum 3) should be banned by the UCI, IOC and whatever governing body oversees professional curling.
Mr. Taylor has the grammatical, syntax and spelling skills of a retarded third grader. And after these posts, he probably has a blood pressure rate that rivals Mark Mangino and stress levels that compare to a Sprint-Nextel customer service representative.
Songer's a sandbagger.
ReplyDeleteLoads of those dudes like him slum it in the masters races every time former world class guys or guys in black and orange show up in Open.
ReplyDeleteI'd probably do the same if I was able to "podium" in either of those races, but I'm just saying ...
It's a bit unfair, really. Women and juniors can't jump into Junior Masters or whatever just because Bill's boys are on the line.
I think you can also call this "cherry picking."
Ha ha ha... Songer got called out. Ya, ya that's right Songer, you f*in sandbagger, your obviously wayyy to fast to be racing SS, and the only reason you do it is to prove your stronger than that Steinmetz kid who so honorably rode you to exhuastion every race. He WILL defeat you next year. I vote to opt a whole post to our friend SONGER! Seriously though, you can't really call a 50 year old ancient racer who still manages to race as strong as he does. It wont be long... He'll be in a nursing home watching the rest of us from his 27 inch TV.
ReplyDeleteSteinmetz calls to baggers on his blog, after one of the million or so St. Marys races we had last season (I think).
ReplyDeleteHe also is a SS horse, who has been known to race geared classes on the same bike. I think I saw him with gears in geared races once or twice, but either way, he's clearly anti-bag.
Most all baggers can't take him, either, so continue to suck it, baggers.
Steinmetz is fast.
ReplyDeleteSonger already spent years in the open race trenches holding his own against kids 1/2 his age. He has nothing to prove to anybody. Especially people that don't even race. R5 is a reference to a miltary assault rifle. Any former military person would know that!
ReplyDeleteActually r5 was a Cold War era Soviet ballistic missle that was retired in 1967 (Good Year) and r5 is going ballistic on you bitches. Yahhhhh Boyeeeeee Flavor Flav in the hizzouse!!
ReplyDeleteR5 is a character from a deleted chapter from the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In that chapter, which Mark Twain ripped out just before publication, R5 was a shadowy character who hated the idea that Jim might escape and be freed. But then he realized he could make some money off the deal and everybody knows that you can't hate someone whom you can take advantage of.
ReplyDeleteSo he bankrolled Huck's effort to free Jim upfront in exchange for a Madoff-esque return of 12 percent on his investment over the term of one year. But in the end, Twain just decided that including this R5 character would just muddy up what was an already confusing ending with Jim's recapture. Balancing the ledger was never one of Twain's skills.
Songer is a stud no matter what, and anyone who thinks this site is calling out some people but not simultanously lauding them probably believes pro wrestling is real, too.
ReplyDeleteI have a good suspicion who r5 is, and I think a lot of you would agree with me.
The rich old dudes who sat on their hands the other night don't hate those they take advantage of, either.
ReplyDeleteBut they do hate anyone who suggests the poor get edumacated. They might learn something and realize those rich old dudes are screwing them over, again and again and again.
Pro wrestling isn't real?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Stud. What about me? I won something like 12 races this past season but it more-or-less went under the radar. Songer beat me by 2 minutes at the last Boss Cross race so he gets 100% respect from me.
ReplyDeleteUmmm that's Pro WRASTLIN' you people!!
ReplyDeleteMark Studnicki......the name says it all really. You can't be called out. A fundamental law of Nay....ture. You caynt hate 'em for it cuz it's in his Nay....ture.
ReplyDeleteSonger podiums 98% of the time, even at races like Jingle Cross.
I'm not saying he's a bagger, but I see why people don't call out Studnicki. Studnicki takes his share of bruises in the open races, while Songer wins all the beer in the ss division.
R5, you need to establish some rules, its hard to tell the difference between someone who is fast, and someone who is sandbagging.
Spoken like a true poet (or politician).
ReplyDeleteFYI on the points required to upgrade. When I CTFU years ago, of the 25 points I accumilated, only 10 of those were from races in Kansas. You see, KSCycling has/had different requirements for upgrading regarding field sizes, than what USACycling has, and CrossResults.com is completely different than both of them. I was traveling to Nebraska and Iowa races to get the bigger fields and bigger upgrade points. Back then, it was not possible to only race locally and get enough points over any 12-month rolling period to upgrade. Fields this year locally were better so that might be different now.
Don't think for a minute that the single speed class is an easy alternative to Open. I've never done a single-speed race. i'm scared to put my body and my 40year old knees through that. I need all 9gears I got. the Single Speed racers goes off with the open guys so they're effectively racing the same guys, only scored separate. I choose to race open occational becauses its the only other race I can do and I don't have a bike setup for single speed anyway. I have full respect for anybody that does jump in open race occationly but I don't have any less respect for those that don't. It's a brutal beatdown. Some of us have to work come monday morning.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, this has all been very entertaining, but I have to ask, r5, when are you going to move from cx sandbaggers to road sandbaggers..there are only so many dudes you can "pick" on in the local cross scene? Not to mention, you haven't dipped into the women or juniors pool yet.
ReplyDeleteOh and one more thing, Songer is a bad-ass!
There is no sand bagging in the masters races, it is open to all category racers, the only requirement is age. If people don't like getting routinely beat, they need to train harder. For those single speed guys complaining, I would be embarrassed that a 47 year old was kicking your ass and by the way, it was always his second race of the day. Instead of complaining, maybe you should be out riding your bikes and trying to get faster you bunch of whining babies.
ReplyDelete"Instead of complaining, maybe you should be out riding your bikes and trying to get faster you bunch of whining babies."
ReplyDeleteI'd rather sit on my ass and drink beer, but I still reserve my right to complain about sandbaggers.
So hey......what about a Cat 2 race, that would be convenient to help some of this mess
ReplyDeleteYeah, women and juniors. Let's see it!
ReplyDeleteAnd sad, Studnicki, but it continues: You need to sometimes STILL get to Iowa (not just Jinglecross) and Nebraska to get fields big enough for points. How many were in the open field at Epic? Uh, are we a hotbed, or are we DEVO?
(sandbaggerkc can easily extrapolate to road and 'mountain' I believe)
"Instead of complaining, maybe you should be out riding your bikes and trying to get faster you bunch of whining babies."
ReplyDeleteBut I REALLY REALLY REALLY like to complain and bitch and moan and make fun of the whole sordid lot of you. Well I like to drink beer too but that's whole 'nother story. What better place to do it than here? If you can't beat them then complain about them is what I always say. Frankly, I would be embarrassed about having to come on here and defend someone's honor when this blog is so freaking over the top tongue in cheek that it truly boggles the mind. I think making fun of others shortcomings makes me feel better about myself, which surely says something about me.
(sandbaggerkc can easily extrapolate to road and 'mountain' I believe)
ReplyDeleter5: are we extrapolating or interpolating?
Interpolation is the process of obtaining a value from a graph or table that is located between major points given, or between data points plotted. A ratio process is usually used to obtain the value.
Extrapolation is the process of obtaining a value from a chart or graph that extends beyond the given data. The "trend" of the data is extended past the last point given and an estimate made of the value.
Straight from the Kansas upgrade Coordinator Jeff "good god, it's the bishop!" Bishop, "Nobody loves a sandbagger, so please make your requests so I don’t have to hunt you down via USAC results!" Get on board bitches, do make him hunt you down like the gravy sucking pigs you are!!!!
Is anything more sad and pathetic than Studnicki begging and pleading to be anointed a sandbagger?
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMark Studnicki......the name says it all really."
Is nobody sacred here? Jeez Louise you guys....next thing you know you're gonna start calling out whole teams. Take a chill pill! Folks from other cities HAVE to be laughing.....AT US not WITH US!!! This makes KC look as bad as St. Louis CX......we DON'T wanna go there.
ReplyDeleteWho gives two shits and a fuck less what other cities think? Maybe they should be laughing at us. Look at how people are reacting to this blog. Some of the folks on here deserve all the contempt that can be thrown their way.
ReplyDeleteKC is the best CX city ever! Fuck Portland, Fuck Madison, and Fuck the entire state of MA, we are the best!
ReplyDeleteI reserve the right to call all complainers about 'sandabagging', Lil' Bitches!
ReplyDeleteso have u guys seen the new 2010 kits for Lil' Bitch Velo yet???
check out my site!!
ReplyDeleteNice try. Your blog sucks. And isn't close to funny. Go eat a shotgun.
Sad and pathetic? Just thought it would be fun if you guys started fucking with me. Most people won't. why won't you comment on my blog?
ReplyDelete... we are the best!
ReplyDeleteWhere was all the "we" at Epic? Open had, ahem, ONE dude in it. FUCKING PATHETIC.
1. Nobody who'd raced had the guts to jump in it.
2. Nobody else even showed up.
(I have an excuse, don't get me started.)
Oh, how a load of you suck for that one. Near bag level.
I was there. destroyed both bikes and all the clothes I had doing one race so I could do the 2nd race. I stand behind that. Do you stand behind what you say or hide behind it? where were you?
ReplyDeleter5 respects the elderly. r5 aint calling out geezers. r5 works hard and plays hard and this is prime riding weather. r5 is audi5000.
ReplyDeleteI want to buy the rights to this site.... It's golden!
ReplyDeleteMr. Studnicki,
ReplyDeleteYeah, sad and pathetic. Your efforts to call attention to yourself are uglier than child abduction.
The Godfather
I'm missing the hot momma drama of Real Housewives of New O.C. to read this and it has not disappointed. I'm not even sure what 'trending' is, but I bet it's happening with 'sandbagger' somewhere.
ReplyDelete"Where was all the "we" at Epic? Open had, ahem, ONE dude in it. FUCKING PATHETIC."
ReplyDeleteAhem, it WAS a race AT Epic Bike & Sport....oh the irony.
Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.
i think studnicki is just wondering y songer was called out and not a few other guys who r just as fast as him....how is he trying to draw attention to himself anymore than the guy who started this blog. or any of u pussyies who are unwilling to attach your names to your bitter and jealous words.. mark , steve, and myself wont laugh at u if we know your names.....at least mark or steve wont. a lot of anonymous punks on this site talking like a little kid. u know that little kid who doesnt want to share his ball, so he grabs it and takes it home so noone can play with it........bunch of punks!
ReplyDeletewhats up with the gay little nicknames?? why cant u little bitches attach your names to your comments????? do u guys all race in the 'junior' class??
ReplyDeleteu guys remind me of the guy in the bar who picks a fight and waits for the bouncer to come between him and the guy who is gonna deck him...and then starts to act all tough as the bouncers hold both guys back..."no man, hold me back....its a good thing u guys got here or i was gonna do something i might regret".....yeah, like what....shit your pants and act like a little bitch???
Mr. Taylor,
ReplyDeleteMr. Studnicki is just an attention-seeker, much like yourself. Haven't you been discredited enough? You sent your wife out to a blog to do your bidding, to defend what's left of your honor. Frankly, I'm not sure why you're still showing your face around here, let alone anywhere else.
It's awfully rich for anyone whose wife does their dirty work for them to be calling anyone a pussy.
The Godfather
yeah....says the pussy who has no name....or is it.....'lil bitch'??
ReplyDeletehey godfather.....do u even race.....is it the back of the pack that has got u down?? why so bitter. i dont need anyone to defend me.....i havent done anything that needs defending, especially from u. now giving the facts...thats what i have done...yet u want to complain about me sandbagging 3 months after i moved up.....u dont race do u...if u do, you probably are just tired of getting lapped by so many guys and r lashing out....its ok....if u would put the oreos and cigarettes away, u might not feel like such a fat fuck.
ReplyDeleteMr. Taylor,
ReplyDeleteCall me names if you must. Your self-esteem is surely in tatters after your wife was dispatched to damage control for you. I don't have the time to pity you, although weaker souls might.
The Godfather
Mr. Taylor,
ReplyDeleteYou could use my help in defending you. Your wife is not cutting it in that capacity, and neither are you. I am willing to help out. Your sandbagging has been exposed on the pages of this fine blog, so take my sage advice. Upgrade immediately, or never show your face around these parts again. You've been branded, and the only way to overcome that obvious and inescapable tattoo is to better yourself. Don't focus on other people's cigarette or Oreo habits. My racing speaks for itself. Yours does not. Upgrade quickly.
The Godfather
hey Godfucker!!!can u read??? u r an ignorant lil bitch...the point is....
should i use brail or some kind of tard language??? again, if you raced at all....well, obviously you dont compete very well...and that has nothing to do with results. U seriously need some HTFU!
still havnt grown a set of balls yet?? have u GODFUCKER? no real name yet...dont worry, your balls will drop soon enough.
Man this so good. It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.
ReplyDelete.... And that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this. The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. And this. And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair.
Mr. Taylor,
ReplyDeletePlease refrain from taking my name in vain, and the Good Lord's as well. I have addressed you properly with a polite and gender-appropriate salutation. Your kindness in return would be appreciated. You can simply call me The Godfather.
Also please refrain from claiming you "catted" up. While this may be technically true, you never raced in the open race last year. You simply then raced masters. When I say upgrade, I mean start racing open races.
The Godfather
Hey you dipshit, MASTERS IS FASTER THAN THE 3's around here.
ReplyDeleteMr. 8:04 a.m.,
ReplyDeleteUntil you muster up the courage to identify yourself rather than hide behind the anonymous handle, I will not address you or your inaccurate point of view any further.
The Godfather
Ummm...Godfather, you are not going to reply to anonymous handles, but YOU are anonymous? Give me a break. Your line of comments are stupid and so is calling yourself Godfather. No one around here racing CX commands nor deserves the name Godfather. No one racing in KC is that important. Sorry. Unless of course you are trying to equate yourself with the maffia, which is even stupider.
ReplyDeleteMr. 11:09 a.m.,
ReplyDeleteI do as I please and don't take marching orders from a peon like you. Reach in your pocket, try to locate your balls and then sign on here and identify yourself rather than badger me from the safety of your anonymous handle.
The Godfather
The Godfather: You know who I am, Mr. Anon?
ReplyDeleteAnon: I got no idea.
The Godfather: I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. You tell the angels in heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you. My name is The Godfather. I work as counsel for Mr. r5, the man you're raggin on. I hear you were once a cop so I can assume you've heard of us before. Am I correct?
Anon: I heard of Osh Josh B'Gosh.
The Godfather: I'm glad. Hopefully it means we can cut out the part of the conversation where you're wondering how full of shit I am.
Jeremy, don't you mean "Anti-cross"? That is your nickname on the St. Johns Cycling Team website after all. :-)
ReplyDeleteand Brian, or should I call you Crisco (as in fat in a can)? :-)
ReplyDeletedamn...so one has been identified!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMr. Spivey,
ReplyDeleteI am not associated in any legal fashion with r5. Your attempts at mockery and script-writing have both failed phenomenally, just like your cycling career and your parents' career in child-rearing. The way out of this deep hole for you is eBay. Sell your bicycle on there and use that money to pay your back taxes.
The Godfather
r5 did Urban Cross today. Narrow it down. That is all.
ReplyDeleteActually r5's bb is fuckered up at the moment and he COULDN'T make it to Urban Cross. You know not what you speak of Anon.
ReplyDeleteI so sandbagged the B field at Urban Cross.
ReplyDeleteblacksheepcartelracing said...
ReplyDelete"I so sandbagged the B field at Urban Cross."
and so from this point forward you shall be named "Bagger Vance of the Black Sheep Cartel"
I raced the urban cross today and tore up the coaster brake class, but I am not r5. I wish I was but I'm not. I was the only one with the stones to race the coaster brake class yesterday!
ReplyDeleteNobody rides a coaster brake bike like Mark does.
ReplyDeleteJosh Taylor...Mr. Good Father Career Firefighter...your true colors are showing...and you deserve every bit of the shit you're getting.
ReplyDelete"should i use brail or some kind of tard language???"
I don't think the blind would appreciate you alluding to BRAILLE (learn to spell, fuckwad) as a "tard language". Tsk tsk, you fucking poser.
True colors indeed. An implosion of character.
ReplyDeleteWe can deduce that
1) sand is apparently high in testosterone
2) should not be adhered as a patch to the scrotum
3) should be banned by the UCI, IOC and whatever governing body oversees professional curling.
Mr. Taylor has the grammatical, syntax and spelling skills of a retarded third grader. And after these posts, he probably has a blood pressure rate that rivals Mark Mangino and stress levels that compare to a Sprint-Nextel customer service representative.
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
The Godfather